Furever After Stories

We are constantly networking and partnering with incredible northern rescues that help transport and find furever homes for the dogs and cats we rescue here in Mississippi. 

Below are just a few examples of some of the animals we’ve rescued that are now in furever homes.


Butler showed up at a local campground in Lauderdale County. He was hiding by the trash can. Lucky for him, Butler was found by a RRN Volunteer and the rest is history.

Butler was found in February 2024 and less than two weeks later, he was off to his furever home! 


America was saved by one of our volunteers in Lauderdale County after multiple individuals had posted her on social media. She was found scrounging for food on the side of the road. 

Lucky Dog Refuge CT found her a home and she left in January 2024 for her furever. 

KK “Kobalt”

KK came to us disguised as a “10 pound 3 month old puppy.”

A good samaritan was helping a lady who was not in the best situation. She reached out to us asked if we could help with a puppy. We agreed and she brought her to RRN the next day. The “10 pound 3 month old puppy” turned out to be a 35 pound, mangy, pregnant pitbull. While it was a surprise, we loved having KK in our care. She ended up having 7 beautiful pups. Well played KK. 

Don’t Bully Us found her a home in NJ and she left RRN in July 2023.


We will spare you the absolutely horrific photo of Nile posted on social media covered in blood after showing up at someone’s house after being shot in the head. One of our volunteers sprung into action and immediately went to the location and took the dog to the vets office to get medical attention. The bullet went in his head and out through his neck. 

Despite how mean someone was to him, that didn’t matter to Nile. Nile was the sweetest, most loving dog.  By far the most popular with visitors, and he soaked in all love and attention they gave him during his time with RRN. 

Thanks to Don’t Bully Us Rescue in NJ – Nile went to his furever home in July 2023.

Gabriel and Ruth

These two were taken from a rental property. The tenant had started living elsewhere and was under eviction notice. He had left all his belongings at the site. Authorities were contacted and would help eventually, but the landlord knew it was past urgent. They were aware of the dogs and the tenant never showing up to give them any water. The landlord installed cameras and knew that these dogs have not been fed or watered for five or six days minimum. The temperatures were above 90 degrees. Gabriel was in a pen and Ruth in a trailer with no air.

They both left RRN for their furever families in July 2023.


Snow was one of nineteen dogs (including ten puppies) rescued by volunteers from Roadside Rescue Network from an abandoned property in Newton County. Like so many of the dogs that come into our care, Snow was used for breeding and was heartworm positive.

The National Great Pyrenees Rescue partnered with us to take EVERY dog that came from that abandoned property and find them furever homes.

Snow left for her new home in March 2022.


Dolla had been hanging out at a Dollar General for weeks before two good samaritans saw her and contacted us. She had a broken jaw and required emergency surgery to correct it. 

She left with a northern rescue for her furever home in March 2022.


Annie was found by a good samaritan in Lauderdale County. 

One of our northern partners found her a home, and she headed to Maine in October 2021. 





